Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
it's like an essential minus the moast bubmerd stuff/
anyway i have decided to cram the rest of my holidays with writing and recording songs so got check out my youtube channel
i'm still gonna upload more songs over the holiday...!!!woohoo...and theres the inter class tournaments i'm looking forward to..haha playing would be fun i think...=)
bhuvan cooks awesome pizza by the way.!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
parkour stuff

Thursday, September 17, 2009
the sun in circular motion
derived from concentric movement
an erratic motion
an unknown factor unlike pavement
able to adapt change
and set off a drastic chain in action
the inner soul thirsts
a brutal war wage
a beautiful revelation
a fiery fist first,
the man of potions
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
"My Kind Of Girl"
1. Do you need him/ her to be good looking?
2. Smart?
not too smart..=)
3. Preferred age?
same,younger,i dont mind a bit older..YEA!!
4. Preferred height?
shorter than me but not too short..definitely..
5. How about sense of humor?
has to be the 2nd funniest person on the planet..cuz i am the 1st
6. How about piercings?
can can can
7. Accepts you for who you are?
8. Pink hair?
err not permanent dye la..=)
9. Mushy or no?
yeap..30%angel 70% devil=)
10. Thin or fat?
hot sexy thin..
11. Black, Brown or White? (skin colour)
brown or white..mebee black..?i don't know..
12. Long hair or short hair?
as long as it suits her..i don't mind sexy short..xD
13. Plastic or metal?
14. Smells good?
smells like apple..=)
15. Smoker?
16. Drinker?
light drinker-.-
17. Girl/ Boy-next-door type?
yea..definitely down to earth
18. Muscular?
19. Plays piano?
20. Plays bass and/ or acustic guitar?
21. Plays violin?
don't know but i dont mind..=)
22. Sings very good?
of course..
23. Vain?
40% vain so i can make jokes abt her vanity=)
24. With glasses?
i dont mind..
25. With braces?
no..sorry..dont really mind but no
26. Shy type?
yeap30% angel
27. Rebel or good boy/ girl?
28. Active or passive?
active..must love sports ond physical stuff
29. Tight or bomb?
30. Singer or dancer?
31. Stunner?
of course
32. Hiphop?
33. Earrings?
34. Mr./ Ms. Count-My-Ex-Girlfriends-Until-You-Drop?
nope..mebbe?argh wat the heck'
35. Dimples?
36. Bookworm?
37. Mr./ Ms/ love letter?
38. Playful?
hell yea
39. Flirt?
of course..that would be th reason she falls for me cuz i'm a bigger flirt then her..
40. Poem writer?
41. Serious?
42. Campus crush?
44. Religious?
45. Someone who likes to tease people?
46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
not really..
47. Speaks 20 languages?
48. Loyal or faithful?
loyal..and faithful
49. Good kisser?
of course..
50. Loves children?
yea..must must
Friday, August 14, 2009
of mallet fingers and basketball jerseys
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
so i'm like the most bored person on planet earth right now.
life has been so stressful..
i miss the moments
now pmr is a freak
but life has to go on as usual
i am seriously crapping stuff here help!
right now i'm
at least thats what it feels like..
well there always the other option
that's me.,.post PMR
life's deciscions are so ugh..
me and my life
like what..?!!!!
if only..
life were so tranquil...
Friday, June 26, 2009
hey ppl the king of pop is dead..
lets all have a moments silence for this troubled yet talented musician that brought us the moonwalk,thriller,and red jacket.
there was never a last symphony for the king of pop. i really hopes he doesn't just stay on our minds for a while but that we would think of the way he opened our eyes to the many issues around the world.
michael was born black. he changed his skin color because of all the prejudice towards black people at america at that time.he voiced out the plea and suffering of the blacks in america. although he didn't end his life well we should respect his hard work and the pains he has gone through to achieve the level of professionality he has now..a tribute to the king of pop.
michael jackson
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
this is what's going on..
i'm having exams right now.
i almost finished.
i got three subjects.
Sejarah(not bad)
so anyway..i got this like serioouus problem now..i got my brains turned inside out searching for answers. Guess wat..should i buy a new bass guitar or just buy the nut..hmmm
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Seriously i did not expect this kind of a book when i decided to borrow the book from Maverick.
i thought that it was a romantic girly gossip novel..the constant discussion in my old school had casted a negative impression on this book. After hearing about the romance and the love i made a hasty decision that it was a book confined to a female desperado's reading list. Iwas wrong.
Iwas seriously stumped as to where i would get the books...I consedered buying after i read the books. I just finished the 1st book twilight within 4 reading hours. Iseriously cant wait to get the next book=) Thanks Mav,..
Monday, May 11, 2009
today was a fine day..
watching tv
playing basketball
played guitar
googled spare parts for my poor,poor bass guitar
the wierd thing about life is that many things you want desperately you way not always get..BUT many things you do not want(good stuff)always's like a blessings in a disguise thing..anyway..
mothers' day was yesterday!!!yea..actually sometimes we look at the bad sides of our others that we fail to see the radiant positive side..the one who works hard to ensure our well being be it in a financial form or a emotional form
Sunday, May 10, 2009
so talking about sri sempurna..
i've gotten a lot of memories about sri Sempurna..let us start at the very beginning..
One day, the 2008 class of 2 agape were in the computer lab playing games whilst learning about html programming. Then, there was a new guy that never went to school before...hmmm i wonder who that guy was. Anyway, the guy made some new friends. As they were walking back, our "john doe"(lets call him that)remembered that he had borrowed a game from his friend. counter strike was then the "in thing" during that time for the 'john doe.' so he was anxious and excited to go home and turn on his computer and play the game.
Then all of a sudden, his classmates yelled that there was a spotcheck!!!john doe wondered what a spotcheck was and bewilderingly asked his new friends the meaning of the new term. as they explained to him he suddenly realized that bringing cd's to school was 'illegal' he panicked and said in a most sesated manner....Shit....
So the rest of the story was really predictable. Really Really predictable. lets make the story more interisting and make john doe's mother a teacher in the school he was studying in. lets just make her a discipline teacher...and lets' make her REALLY...REALLY..ABSOLUTELY..SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALLYDOCIOUSLY MAD...So what i'm saying is there is no point writing about the incident more...really...=)hahahaha. that was the 1st week of school...we'll begin again with the rest of the adventures of JOHN if u don't know who that is...-.-
Friday, May 8, 2009
woohoo:the origins

the word woohoohoo is a very much used word in the pages of comical history..
the most famous of woohoohooers recorded was eyore,the comical,lovable donkey from winnie the pooh
this is a load of c**p
haha any ways life is as usual..
miss my ol skul,but doin well i guess in my new school...
i guess that it's intruiging that i have this feeling that i am from my old school and always think i am still part of that school..
i guess that part of man enjoy clinging on to the good memories and tend to forget the bitter resentment..
i know that Sri sempurna was not that all a smooth journey..but i'm not perfect..u messed up too..
haha sri sempurna was a journey of discovery.
with this in mind i will write an article tomorrow about the memories in sri sempurna..
i guess i'm too tired...?=)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
random stories
Thursday, April 23, 2009
he's was probably being happy that he could lap dance on the one and only sudharshinan j.
it was so freakin funny we nearly burst out in tears..
first he sat on sudhar,
nex he danced...
den he took out 1 button that's when we started to laugh like a pack of hyenas..
the he went even more erotic...
it was a great escape from the dull school life for us..
sigh class would not be so fun without the one and only maverick chong..!!!
plus the teacher was IN THE CLASS=)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
so....i got like tons of home work...+geography, sivik,moral, sejarah, bm,and kh projects due by
i noe it's totally awesome/.
plus tolking about school...i just transferred to smk seafield this year..
it's not even march and i have lots of (gay,horny,wierd,sluttish)atherwise cool frens.
sadly i mass the small enviromnt of sri sempurna..
lurvly day tis is...
lurver kid is on d loose..=)